​​Caravan El Noor
(Caravan of Light)

has created and performed devotional chants, songs, and dances from various spiritual traditions. 
Inspired by the Universal Sufi tradition, in which all paths to the Divine are honored, Caravan El Noor invites audience participation and plays music that polishes the heart and enlightens the mind through sacred, mantric phrases and sound. 

Our Mission is to unify people of various cultural and belief traditions under the One-ness of our humanity and to provide a container of transformation that facilitates the healing of heart, mind and spirit in order to awaken us to the fullness of our human potential.

The Call: Carvan El Noor’s 2nd CD

“The Call” is available on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon
and all other streaming and music platforms.
Click Here to hear samples of the songs.
To purchase this CD please contact us.

Flower Of The Heart: Carvan El Noor’s 1st CD

“Flower Of The Heart” is available on Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon and all other streaming and music platforms. Click Here to hear samples of the songs.
To purchase this CD please contact us.

Carvan El Noor Live

Caravan El Noor performing Live at one of the many yoga studios the band has played in.

Fan Reviews

I am deeply touched by the harmonies created by this Trio. Their melodious Middle Eastern sounds transport me through space and time to a place which is no place– the Presence inside myself both within my walls and without them. Caravan El Noor’s amazingness stems from their gentle passion; imagine snowflakes in sunshine, rainbows and warm hugs. Entrancing drumbeats, soothing guitar, mesmerizing violin. Their singing may bring you to tears, feeling so deep into your heart. And bring you back out again, aware of the world around you in ways you couldn’t possibly imagine before listening.
In one word their music is :
T R A N S F O R M A T I V E.” !
~Cory Willow Tree

“This concert was beyond good music, it was Shamanically activating!”
~ Scott Munro
I listened to “Stream of Love” during a very difficult time in my family. The song “I call upon you Lord” was my constant companion. As the tears streamed out, the music was a soothing balm to the soul. The band is heartfelt and holds a deep reverence for Humanity.
~ Leela